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PRAYERS to Our Blessed Mother

Grade 3/4 Class

praying angel

The following are prayers written for the 3rd week of MAY 2000 (month of Mary).

Some of these prayers were chosen to be read for the school's daily prayer, on the intercom.


Our Blessed Mother Virgin Mary,
This month we have come to learn more about your great love for your Son Jesus, your great love for God the Father, and most of all...the great love you have for us...your children in God's family.

Thank you for being so brave and trusting God enough to say "Yes" and be the Mother of God's only Son, Jesus.

Thank you for helping us to know Jesus better, and for helping Jesus to know us better. Thank you for taking our prayers to Him, for us.

We have prayed to you all month, Mary. We will continue to pray for you to stay near us, and help us every day of the year.

May we never disappoint you as we try to live as you did, in total trust, faith and love.

Mrs. Monteith


Dear Mary,
Thank you for the food I eat. Thank you for the birth of Jesus.
Please help me and other people to be more helpful, sharing, caring and kind to each other.
I will remember you, tell people about you, and pray to you everyday.
by Cheyenne (Grade 3)


Our Virgin Mary,
Queen of all Saints,
I hope everybody has a very good day. I hope you can forgive all of our sins, that we have all done. I hope that none of us has broken The Ten Commandments.

I will be praying to you every day of my whole entire life. I hope everybody uses their manners, please and thank you's.

Mother Mary, I hope everybody lets you, Jesus and Our Father, into their hearts. Welcome into my heart, Mother Mary.

Thank you for my aunties and uncles, our families and relatives, big cousins, small cousins and little baby cousins. Thank you for friends, moms and dads, but especially me.
by Daniel John Charles Cole Wayne Dale Morin (Grade 3)


Dear Mary,
Thank you Mary for doing the best you can. Thank you for helping all the sick people on earth.
I want to see you when I'm in heaven. I'm glad you are the Queen of Heaven, Mary.
I will be nice to my mom and I will listen to my mom.

by James (Grade 3)


Thank you Mary.
I ask you for forgiveness. I will forgive the sins of others.
For you I will stop my lying. For your baby boy Jesus dieing on the cross, I will pray more to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I will try and make my mother happy by doing her work.

by Dallas (Grade 4)


Dear Mary,
Thank you for giving us Jesus.
Help my sisters with the trouble they're having, so let's pray for them.
Thank you for a new life.
Let's pray for my Grandparents and help all the children and students.
I will pray for all the sins people have done.

by Jordan (Grade 4)


Dear Mary,
Thank you for me, my friends, and my family too.
I thank you for life, food, earth, sun, water, Canada our homeland, and us. We love you everyday of our lives.
I ask you to keep us safe in life, and I thank you for Jesus Our Savior of our sins.
I'm going to pray to you every day of my life.
by Korey (Grade 4)


Dear Mary,
Thank you for giving birth to Jesus and letting Him die on the cross for us.
I'm going to quit being bad and I want you to tell Jesus I love Him.
For you, I will listen better to others, Mary.

by Lyndon (Grade 4)


Dear Mary,
Thank you for giving birth to Jesus and taking care of Jesus as He grew up. We thank you for being a good Mother up in heaven.
I hope you forgive my, and other people's, sins.
I will pray to you, to your Son Jesus, and to the other people up in heaven.

by Quentin (Grade 4)


Mary our Mother,
Thank you for bringing Jesus into our lives.
Thank you for the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees, as well as all the other wonderful things you have given us.
Thank you

by Trinity (Grade 4)

