Grade 3/4 Class
The following are prayers written for the 4th week of LENT (April 3-7, 2000).
Some of these prayers were chosen to be read for the school's daily prayer, on the intercom.
Dear God,
I hope everybody has come back to school safely.
Help us to be kind to everybody. Help us to respect others, and respect ourselves.
Help us remember our promises for LENT
by Cheyenne (Grade 3)
Dear God,
I hope everybody had a wonderful Spring Break, and I hope everybody got back to school safely from Spring Break.
Thank you for this wonderful school.
It is the 4th week of LENT, and we are still getting ready for Easter.
I hope all of our Lenten prayers will be answered and I hope that the promises that we made to God won't be broken.
Thank you God for water, food, and everything else,
O mighty God who lives and reigns forever.
Your friend/son/child/student forever and ever...
Daniel John Charles Cole Wayne Dale Morin (Grade 3)
Dear God,
Let us have a great Easter break, and a nice Easter with our families.
I hope you come down here on earth.
God, thank you for all the people coming back safely to school.
Help us keep all our LENTEN promises.
Please everybody, please keep all your LENT promises.
by James (Grade 3)
Dear Kids,
Welcome back from your Spring Break!
I hope you all had a good break and I hope we can be more friendlier to one another.
LENT is a time to be nicer to each other and even after LENT too!
Thank you Lord for helping us to keep our Lenten promises.
We are asking for your forgiveness and for all our prayers to be answered.
Thank you Lord for all your creations.
by Dallas (Grade 4)
In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit...Amen
Dear God,
We welcome each other back from Spring Break.
It is a new year.
Today, help all those students who need help.
In Grade 3/4 we're doing LENT activities. We're getting ready for YOU. Can you help us get ready?
Help my mom to get my sisters back from my grandma's, so let's pray for her.
One thing GOD...thank you for making all of us.
by Jordan (Grade 4)
Dear GOD,
Thank you for everybody coming back safely after Spring Break. I hope they had a good time off school.
Stay with us 'till LENT is over and help the poor so they can eat and buy clothing and shelter.
Thank you for caring and helping us to remember our LENTEN promises.
by Korey (Grade 4)
Dear God,
Thank you for all the good things that you gave us.
Welcome back to school from Spring Break everybody.
LENT is almost over and Easter is coming soon.
All of us at Ben Calf Robe School better keep your Lenten promises beause it is good for you to do.
by Lyndon (Grade 4)
Dear Jesus,
Even though LENT is almost over, we will still remember you.
We remember when you died for us.
Easter is coming soon, and we will remember you after Easter too.
I welcome kids back from Spring Break. I hope you had a good break and happy one.
Remember to keep your promises, even after LENT.
We thank you for dying for us and suffering for us, Jesus.
by Quentin (Grade 4)
Mary our Mother,
Please help us to welcome back all of us who came back to school safely, after Spring Break.
I hope everyone had a good break from school, and I hope everyone kept their LENTEN promises.
Easter is coming soon and I hope that everyone has a nice Easter and comes back safe from the Easter weekend.
Thanks to God for everything.
by Trinity (Grade 4)
Our most holy Father,
Be with us in our journey to Easter.
Help us to know your deep love for us, and lead us away from those things that keep us from You.
We need you Lord.
Let us be your light here on earth, so that others may find their way out of the darkness, into your forgiving path, to truth and eternal life with You in heaven.
Thank you for your many blessings for us, and the many ways you grace our lives with your presence.
Thank you Jesus for giving us your most precious gift...your life, so that we may know life everlasting in God's kingdom.
by Mrs. Monteith (Grade 3/4 Teacher)