Prayers to Begin Our School Year
Grade 3M Family
The following are the first attempts by our class, to creative write, this school year.
We chose to begin with a prayer... A.S.A.P.
(Always Say A Prayer!)
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Ben's Prayer
Dear Mary and God,
Mary and God...you are caring people.
Thanks for taking care of me.
Please take care of my real mom.
I will not hurt people.
I'm sorry for misbehaving.
Glory to You.
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Chantelle's Prayer
I love you God!
I really like to praise Jesus.
Thank you for loving me.
I ask for some new friends.
I will be good in Church and everywhere.
I am sorry for being bad.
Glory to You God and Jesus.
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Lacee's Prayer
Creator God,
I love you so much!
Thank you for bringing us to church !
Please remind us to do better, when we go to church.
We promise to help one another.
We're sorry for showing disrespect.
Praise to You!
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Megan's Prayer
Oh Mary Mother of God,
You are so loving and so beautiful.
Thank you for my flowers.
Thank you for my mom and dad.
Help my sister get better.
Help my pet get better.
I will always help you. I will give some of my money to the poor.
I will not yell at my sister anymore.
I am sorry for making Mrs. Monteith feel embarrassed, when our class does not behave.
Praise to You Mary!
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Mitchell's Prayer
Dear God,
I'm sorry that I didn't tell, when classmates were fooling around. I was too busy praying. I was kneeling on the kneelers.
God, please forgive me.
I am sorry Mary.
I love You Mary!
How are you doing God?
I am talking to my Uncle in heaven a LOT!
I miss you Uncle!
Praise You Great GOD!
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Roman's Prayer
Dear Creator God,
I love you so much!
Thank you for helping me.
Thank you for helping me at church and at school.
I will not bug anybody, and I hope that nobody else will bug other people too.
I'm sorry for yelling at my sister.
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Tanena's Prayer
Dear Lord,
We are a Family and we are friends.
I praise the Lord with LOVE and THANKS.
I ask for help for everyone.
I promise I will be good.
I'm sorry for asking for everything.
I am thankful for everything that the Lord has made.
I should forgive everyone.
Glory to You!
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