3M Family's
Prayers to Mary
...our Mother in Heaven

The following prayers were written in the month of May, which is the month we remember Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and our Mother in Heaven
Some of these prayers were read over our school's intercom for the morning daily prayer, in the week of May 17-21, 2004
Enjoy our prayers of gratitude and love honouring Mary!
Alyssa's Prayer to Mary
Holy Mary Mother of God,
Thank you for taking care of the world. You are a great Mother to us!
I’m sorry for hurting others and myself.
Please try to make the world have PEACE and help the people to be better and nice.
I promise I will be a better person, and not hurt others.
Help me to do better in school.
Thank you for being a good Mother to us.
Glory to You!
Crystal's Prayer to Mary
Holy Mary Mother of God,
Thank you for everything you made.
You are GREAT for all you made.
I’m sorry when I was mean to people.
I ask for your grace Mary.
I will do my work.
Thank you Mary
Deshia's Prayer to Mary
Holy Mary Mother of God,
I ask you to help me be nice to my sister and brother.
I ask you to keep my family safe, so I can be happy.
I also hope my rabbit is happy in heaven.
Thank you for all the good food you give me and how healthy I am.
Dear God and Mary,
I will love you today and I will love you even more tomorrow.
I will be a good girl and I’m sorry for being bad.
I will be good…VERY GOOD!!!
Mary, you are so full of love.
Hi’ya hi’ya
Destiny's Prayer to Mary
Holy Mary Mother of God,
Thank you for everything in the world.
I wish everyone was nice and kind to each other.
I wish for PEACE in the world.
I’m sorry for everything I did wrong Mary.
I will try and bring PEACE in myself and to others.
I will do everything that you say.
Thank you Mary.
Draven's Prayer to Mary
Mother of God,
Blessed Virgin Mother,
O most loving Queen of Heaven,
O Mother of Jesus and all of us,
Thank you for my mother.
Help bring PEACE to the world.
I’m sorry for my bad behavior sometimes.
I will try to do better.
Eugene's Prayer to Mary
Blessed Virgin Mother,
Thank you for everything, and especially my family.
You are the Queen of LOVE and Heaven!
I am so sorry for my sins.
I ask that you will help the poor.
I will be the best I can be!
Hi’ya hi’ya!
Falon's Prayer to Mary
Holy Mary Mother of God,
Thank you for my mom, dad, brothers and sisters.
I’m sorry for all those things I did wrong at home and at school.
May I ask you to help me all the time?
Praise to you! You are GREAT…Mary Mother of God.
I will do nice things like doing my homework!!
Thank you Mary.
Jamie's Prayer to Mary
Holy Mary Mother of God,
I love Mary.
Mary is such a good mother to Jesus.
Thank you Mary, for all the stuff you gave us.
I’m sorry for all the people I hurt.
I wish everyone had PEACE.
I’m going to try and help people to be peaceful for you.
Hi’ya hi’ya!
Jessica's Prayer to Mary
Holy Mary Mother of God,
Thank you Mother Mary for making this world.
I’m sorry for what I have done wrong to YOU and to my mom and dad.
Thank you for my family.
I wish this world was a peaceful place for me and my family.
Mary, I will make this world nicer. I will be nice to all of the people.
Mary you are so nice to this world.
Jolene's Prayer to Mary
Holy Mary Mother of God,
Thank you for everything you give to the earth.
Thank you for people, for friends, and for family.
You are Our Most Loving Queen in Heaven.
You are a GREAT Mother to Jesus.
I’m sorry for what I did wrong at home, at school, and everywhere else.
I will do everything I can to do my best.
Let the Creator’s blessings go on to you.
Let glory be to the world.
I hope everyone in our school family will be nice to the earth.
Kimberly's Prayer to Mary
Holy Mary Mother of God,
Thank you Mary for everything.
All praise to you Mary!
I’m sorry for what I did wrong at school and at home, Mary.
I ask that you will help families.
I will be good and work harder.
Glory to you Mary!
Nathan's Prayer to Mary
Holy Mary Mother of God,
Thank you for helping us.
You are so nice!
I am sorry for swearing.
I ask for PEACE.
I will never hit anyone.
Thank you Mary.
Nicole's Prayer to Mary
Holy Mary Mother of God,
We are grateful for everything.
I’m so sorry for when I am bad at school and at home.
I’m sorry for when I don’t listen to the teachers.
Please let me have some friends around my new house in Clareview.
Praise to all people in heaven and on earth.
Thank you for when you make me so happy.
I will give you time with me each day.
Wyatt's Prayer to Mary
Holy Mary Mother of God,
Thank you for all the things you did.
Oh praise to you Mary.
I’m sorry Mary Mother of God.
I ask you to help me.
Mary, I will do my homework.