Grade 3 Family
The following prayers were written as part of their Remembrance Day Unit, in November 2003.
These prayers reflect what is in the hearts and minds of our students.
Alyssa’s Prayer for Peace
Please make the war stop, and make the enemies be friends. Please no more fighting!
I’m sorry for doing the wrong things I did. Please let there be PEACE on earth.
Let the poor, the sick, and the blind people get better. Let the blind people see, and let the poor people get nice houses.
Thank you for my family and friends.
Ceara’s Prayer for Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…
Dear Lord Jesus,
I’ll be thanking you for all the things you gave us.
Thank you for the roof over our heads.
Thank you for the food we have, so we wouldn’t starve.
Thank you for our daily blessings of PEACE, respect and humility.
Let there be no wars in our city, or in the city where our family lives.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…
Clinton’s (Riley’s) Prayer for Peace
Thank you for giving al life to me, friends, mom, and dad.
I’m sorry for doing the bad things I do.
Please give the earth PEACE.
I will do good things.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…
Crystal’s Prayer for Peace
I am thankful for life.
I am thankful for our house.
Help me with my work.
Thank you for saving us, God.
The angels are sweet, God.
Please let us have a healthy earth.
I’m sorry for not doing my best.
I am sorry for not being good to You, God.
I love you God!
Derian's Prayer for Peace
Let us be thankful for the things we have and do.
I'm thankful for what GOD does.
We want PEACE on earth.
Let there be PEACE on earth, and let us be friends on earth.
Let us remember the day the soldiers died for us. Let us be thankful for the soldiers that guard our lives for us.
Deshia's Prayer for Peace
God, I am sorry for being bad.
I am thankful for our good things.
I am asking for my Aunty to come and visit please.
Let the world have peace in it
Destiny’s Prayer for Peace
I love you God, so much.
I love Mary so much too!
God, you are so full of love and PEACE.
We all love you so much.
Even Mrs. Monteith loves you.
Thank you for the earth, for love and for friends.
Thank you for everything God.
Love, Destiny
Draven’s Prayer for Peace
Oh Creator,
Thank you for blessings, for my mom, and for my dad.
God, You are great with your love.
God help me with my praying.
I am sorry God, for doing bad things.
I’ll be good for You.
Eugene’s Prayer for Peace
Bless those soldiers who died and those who survived.
Give those people PEACE and love.
Make the sky bright blue with white shining clouds above.
People should wear the blood-red poppies on Remembrance Day.
If some people don’t care, they should wear them anyway. They should feel sorry for people who died trying to make peace in the world, for us.
Falon’s Prayer for Peace
On Remembrance Day we thank the people that gave their lives during the war, so that we could live in a peaceful country.
We hope our people have PEACE. God help us have PEACE for the earth.
PEACE on earth to all mankind. Let love and kindness fill all their hearts.
Jamie’s Prayer for Peace
Thank you for everything you did for us.
It is very nice for you to die for us.
Thank you for the yummy food we eat, and thank you for the drinks we drink.
Thank you for everything in the whole wide world!
Friendship is what I want in the world.
I’m sorry for being bad.
If I were you Lord, I would try to stop all of the bad people.
Jared’s Prayer for Peace
Thank you for making me.
I will pray every day for you.
I am sorry for sinning once.
I’m asking for peace in the world.
I will pray about PEACE.
Jaylene’s Prayer for Peace
I am thankful for you. I love you!
Do you know how much I love you God?
You are nice to me.
I wish that there were no bullies in the world.
I’m sorry that I do not listen to you sometimes.
Jessica’s Prayer for Peace
I’m sorry for what I’ve done wrong.
I’ll do everything I can to fix all my mistakes. I’m sorry.
I will be good from now on.
I love you God!
I will be respectful, now.
Can you please give me one more chance?
Thank you.
Help us bring PEACE in the world.
Jolene’s Prayer for Peace
Dear God,
Let my family have a nice and peaceful day.
Let there be peace on earth.
Let there be kind people, not bad.
Let all the spirits be good spirits, and the sick people get well.
Thank you for giving me good wishes.
Please take care of my family and I.
God, Jesus, Mary… thank you for letting me have friends and family.
Thank you for making me!
Kyla’s Prayer for Peace
Dear God,
Thank you for my family.
I am sorry for being mean to my little brother.
Can you please help my sister feel better?
I will be more nice to my sisters and brother.
Nathan’s Prayer for Peace
Lord Jesus,
Thanks for saving us. Thanks for saving our lives.
We want peace on earth, for stopping wars that they do.
I wish they would stop wars that happen every year.
I will be nice to everyone.
I’m sorry that I swear.
Nicole’s Prayer for Peace
Dear God,
Please let my family have the best day in their life, together.
I will love You even more each day God, as time goes on.
God, I need to have a good day being happy. I always have bad days and I am always mad.
I wish blind people will see some day.
Let the sick people have a nice ending.
Thank you for letting me have lots of friends.