Grade 3 Class
In our school, each class takes turns reading the prayer on the intercom each day. Sometimes the prayers are chosen from books, and sometimes the prayers are written by the students themselves.
Our class was taught that prayers should have 4 parts:
- Praise
- Thanks
- Request
- Action
The following are the prayers written by our class, in the new year (2003). Some of our students were then chosen, to read their prayers on the intercom for the week of January 27-February 7, 2003.
Danielle's Prayer
Dear God,
I praise you Lord for all you made.
Jesus I thank you for my family and friends.
God, I ask you to make me a STAR, so I can help people like you help people.
I love you.
Glory to God!
DJ's Prayer
Make us into STARS Lord,
STARS that welcome,
STARS that give help,
STARS that bring peace,
so that in the darkness of this world,
a smile will be found,
a helping hand,
a kind look,
a wise word.
These are the STARS of our world.
These STARS are in the heart of each person.
The STARS help us make our way to you Lord!
Thank you for making my family, my friends, me and the world!
We thank you for making us all.
Dylan's Prayer
Dear God,
Thanks for my mom and my dad.
Dear Jesus, help me to not hurt people.
Dear Mary, praise to you Mary because you have done lots of things for people.
Dear God, I love you lots. I will not hit my brother.
Francis' Prayer
Dear Creator,
Thanks for the people, God. I love you God.
God, can you help me please to be good.
God, no one else is like you. You are so great.
I will pray to you every day and night.
In Jesus' name,
Hannah's Prayer
Dear Creator,
I love you so much God, Jesus, and Mary. I will always thank you, praise you, and love you forever.
I want world peace.
Thank you for all the stuff you give me.
Jennifer's Prayer
Dear Creator,
Thank you for my friends, my cousins, my brother and sister, my mom and my dad, my grandma and grandpa, and me.
God you are so generous, kind, and full of lots of love.
God help me not be afraid of the darkness.
God, I will pray to you a lot and I will give you lots of JOY.
Jenny's Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for everything that you did.
I love you God, Jesus and Mary.
I give praise for God, Jesus and Mary.
Help me to spell good and learn.
Jordan's Prayer
Dear Creator,
Thank you for making this world, our family and our friends.
Thank you for all of us having a great New Year and a happy New Year.
I will praise you and pray to you, when I go to bed.
Help me read and
please, can I have a playstation 2?
Keith's Prayer
Dear Creator,
New Year's is great, but God is better!
God created us. God created this happy New Year.
Thank you for creating us.
Help me make good choices.
I will be good on the bus.
Layne's Prayer
I love you God.
I thank you for this world, the happy people, and my life.
I like school and my family. This is the best place in the world because this is where my spirit is.
I ask for healing for my mom. She has Cancer. Please make her better and happy.
I will try to make my mom feel better.
Mariah's Prayer
Dear Creator,
Help us to make the right choices. We will still love you, and always love you.
Thank you for the water. Thank you for Earth. Thank you for land and food. We thank you.
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
Miranda's Prayer
Dear Creator,
Keep me and my family safe from bad, and from things that scare me.
Keep everyone happy and keep them safe.
Make us have lots of friends.
I pray to you.
Preston's Prayer
Help me God. I need to be a better person at home.
You have built everything that we need.
I love yo God.
I will try not to be mean to my family.
Thank you for my mom and dad. They are very important to me.
Renee's Prayer
Dear Creator,
Thank you for my family and friends.
I will sing your praises because you are my place of safety.
Please forgive all the people that did bad things.
I will be kind to other people.
Skye's Prayer
Dear God,
I am thankful for my friends and my family. Thank you God for Earth and all the things you made for us.
I learn at school and I like my school so much because my teacher teaches us good things.
My mom teaches me lots of things and she loves me so much.
There is lots of good things in the world.
Help me and everyone in the world to make good choices.
I will try my best each day...even when it is hard to do.