Grade 3 Class
In our school, each class takes turns reading the prayer on the intercom each day. Sometimes the prayers are chosen from books, and sometimes the prayers are written by the students themselves.
Sister Henrietta taught us that prayers should have 4 parts:
- Praise
- Thanks
- Request
- Action
The following are the first prayers written by our class, this school year. Some of our students were then chosen, to read their prayers on the intercom for the week of October 15-18, 2002
Briana's Prayer
Hello Creator,
You are wonderful and great because you make nice things!
Thank you for my mom and dad, Creator.
Thank you for eagles and the earth, space, Adam and Eve, and everything else.
Please forgive me for what I did to Hannah, Lord. I am sorry for fighting with my brother, too.
I will help my family and friends. I will help Miss Jaswal and Mrs. Monteith.
I wish my classmates will be nice and kind to me.
I wish my mom was living here, now.
DJ's Prayer
Dear Creator,
Thank you for creating my family and me. I love you.
I know that you are always with me through the day, because you want to help me to be good. I will try to come home on time, everyday.
Creator, I like Math and I like Reading too. It's the best part of learning, right?
I love this world. I like praying so much! Please forgive me for mistakes I make. I'm sorry for not being good to my mother. From now on I will be good. I like you Creator.
I miss my mates up there in heaven. I know that you are there for me and other families (even dog families and cat families).
Thank you for foods, shelter and for pets. Thank you for helping others.
Praise to You!
Dylan's Prayer
O God,
Thanks for food and for teachers.
Forgive me for all of the things that I have done wrong.
Will you please give my whole class a good day?
I will try to be nice to my brother.
You are so good to people, God.
Francis' Prayer
Dear Creator,
I will try to clean my bedroom when my mom tells me to, so I can go out to play.
God I like how you made me.
Mary, thank you for my family.
Forgive me for all of the things that I've done wrong. I will not hit my sister.
I ask God if I can get some toys.
Hannah's Prayer
I love you God for all the stuff you did for me.
Thank you for all of the food and drinks. We are so thankful for all of the food, and stuff like turkey and blueberries.
Thanksgiving is fun and we are so thankful for all of the food.
I'm sorry for what I don't do.
I will try to do my best.
God, I want you to make my little baby come back alive.
Jennifer's Prayer
Dear Creator,
Thank you for my dad, my mom, my auntie, and my uncle.
Creator, help my family and my dad and auntie who went to heaven.
I'm sorry for not doing my work and for playing around.
Creator you are nice because you are YOU, and because you made earth and the planets.
I want to help Mary, Jesus, God, Joseph and my mom, by being respectful.
Jenny's Prayer
Thank you for our school so we can learn stuff.
I will not be bad at home and school.
I will ask you when I need to talk to you.
God, will you forgive me when I am mean and forgive me when I make the wrong choices?
I will pray to you every night.
You are so helpful Creator, Jesus and Mary.
Jordan's Prayer
Dear Creator,
Thank you for our mom and dad, our families, our friends, and ourselves.
I feel sorry for getting mad and getting angry, God.
Thank you for making this world and for everyone in it.
I will help everyone.
Keith's Prayer
Dear Creator,
I will try to clean my room.
My family will ask my mom to pray with us.
Thanks for helping me learn.
I am sorry God that I was mean.
I'm going to be good when you ask me to be good. I hope everyone will be good.
Thank you God.
Layne's Prayer
Our Father,
Thank you for this world, my family and my friends. But thank yourself because you made the people be thankful, and you made yourself.
I'm sorry because I hit some people. Please forgive me.
I will pray to you everyday.
Help the world and let it be safe.
Hi'ya - Hi'ya
Mariah's Prayer
Dear Creator
Thank you for Thanksgiving.
Thank you for making my family and friends.
I pray for the Lord to help me make right choices instead of bad choices. I'm really sorry.
I will pray for Jesus, Mary and the Lord.
Mary is Queen Mother in Heaven, Jesus' mother, and all our mother too. I miss her.
Praise to You!
Miranda's Prayer
Dear Creator,
I love you because you protect us.
I'm sorry that I didn't catch up in my work.
Thank you for my family.
I will listen to you.
I want to ask for happiness for me.
Preston's Prayer
Dear Creator,
I thank you for helping me in school.
I thank you for my family and for my dad and I coming home safe from California.
I wish I could thank you more.
I'm sorry for being mean to my brother for no reason.
Help me be nicer to people.
You are so caring of us. All the things you built for us are just what we need.
Renee's Prayer
Dear Creator,
Thank you for creating my family, my friends, and myself.
Thank you for giving me shelter.
Please help me not to hurt my sister.
Please help me have a good day.
Thank you for Thanksgiving.
Please forgive all the people that did bad things.
I will try my best in school.
You are so giving, God.
Seanna's Prayer
Dear Mary,
Thank you for making my family.
Help me to get my work done.
I will listen to mom.
I'm sorry for making the wrong choices. I will listen to my family.
Thank you for helping me make the right choices, not the wrong choices.
Skye's Prayer
O Generous Creator,
I am thankful for the grass, the trees, and the flowers that grow every year.
I am thankful for the Creator, Mary, Jesus, my mom, my dad, my brothers and sisters. I am also thankful for my moshums and kokums.
I am sorry for being bad and I want you to forgive me.
I will be nice to people and pray to you, Creator.
Please help people to be nice and kind.
Creator you are great and helpful, and I love you very much.