to Our Blessed
Grade 3 Class
The following are prayers written in MAY 2002 (month of Mary).
Some of these prayers were chosen to be read for the school's daily prayer, on the intercom.
Dear God and Mary,
I ask to have a good day and I give praise for the night. I give praise to you, and ask for forgiveness for myself and all the people in the world.
I ask for my family to be nice to me, as You do with people. I ask You to help people in the things we do, and to help my family. Give nice good things to my family and to all the people of the world.
I ask for a nice day for all the kids in the school and for God to take care of all the people in heaven.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
by Brendan
Dear God and Mary,
Thank you for forgiving sin and badness. You are loving and helpful. Thank you for everything.
Help my class do much better on our tests and our working.Help my class get a very high score on our year-end tests.
I will try harder at working on my Math booklet and on my overdue work. I will try harder and help my class work harder too.
Help everybody in the school get higher scores too.
by Cassidy
Our Mother Mary,
We all love you and we ask you to keep our families safe, and everybody else too.
Please keep Ben Calf Robe School safe.
We wish to keep everybody safe, especially God.
Forgive us for the wrong things we say, do, and ask. We are sorry for the bad things that we do at home and at school.
I will try to do all my work everyday.
I wish I can make my class good next year.
Thank you Mary.
by Dale
Dear God and Our Virgin Mary,
Can you forgive me for all the bad things I've done?
Help me to listen to my teacher, my mom and my dad.
Thank you Lord and Mary, for all the things you give us so we can live; our home the Earth, the skies of blue, the animals, the food to keep us strong, our friends, our families and Jesus who came to teach us right and wrong.
I will always use my manners to my brothers, sisters, and parents. I ask to hear the beautiful things people say.
Every night and morning, I will not forget to smudge.
Holy Mary is so beautiful.
Thank you Lord.
All praise to you.
by Lanita
Dear Mary,
I ask you for forgiveness for all the people who have done bad things in the world.
I give praise to you Queen Mary of the heaven above us, and I hope all of us go there once we die.
Mary, please make me and everybody else, have 100% on our tests. Can you make us pass onto our next grade?
I will try to be like Jesus, and try to help people.
by Logan
Thank you Mary for all the things you give us.
Thank you for our mom and dad. Thank you for my brothers.
Help me not to be a bad boy. Help me live as you did.
I won't be mean to my brothers and I won't let them get hurt.
I'm sorry for being mean to my brothers.
by Lyndon
Dear Mary,
I'm sorry for all the bad things I did.
Please forgive me and help me to be good.
Thank you for your Son Jesus.
I won't lie to you, to God, to Jesus, and to my family.
You are good to everybody and my family.
by Max
Oh Mary,
Help us to do good on our tests and to do our work.
I will try to be good for you, Jesus, and God Our Lord.
Mary, you have helped me do good things in my class. I want to follow in your footsteps. I am so grateful for you.
I am sorry for being bad at school.
Thank you for your support.
by Natasha
Dear Mary and God,
Help me to praise You with all my heart.
I want to tell everyone about the great things You do.
In Jesus name,
by Robert A.
Holy Mother and Lord Jesus,
Please forgive me for the bad things I did. Please forgive my friends, family and cousins.
Please help me to do good in school and keep up in my work. Please help me to keep up my grades.
I will do better in my work. I will be a better student.
Thank you for Your kindness.
Thank you for Your forgiveness.
by Robert H.
Dear God and Mother Mary,
Help us remember our moms, dads, uncles, aunties, brothers, sisters, babies, and cousins (when we are at summer camp or out of the city or country).
Thank you for all of the great stuff you have given us in our lives. You are loving and kind. We are grateful to You.
We give praise for all of the nice and kind people on earth. You have been so nice to the people down on earth; all of their moms, dads, uncles, aunties, and their children. People are so nice to their children. They go see movies or play outside with their children.
I will apologize to my mom when I am being bad and I ask You to forgive me God, if I do something wrong or bad, and I make You feel mad, sad, or angry.
Thank you for helping us stay in our desks, stay respectful, stay working, and stay quiet in our classroom.
by Sasha
Dear Jesus, God and Mary,
I thank you Mary, for being my Virgin mom. You are so nice and beautiful to us. We all thank you so much.
I thank you all three, for my forgiveness. I thank you for not punishing me, for something I did wrong. I ask Jesus, God and you Mary, for forgiveness, and I ask for all the angels to forgive me too.
Mary is the holiest one of all the Queens and Mary is the chosen one. She is above all the Saints.Hail Mary, all praise to you.
I also want to remember and give thanks to the best Saint, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha.
I ask for more people to be like you in heaven, Mary. I also want to know what is going on up there where you are. When I'm dead, I want to go up there where you are.
I will always pray to you like my family does. I will always smudge so I can do good things, say good things, see good things, and hear good things.
Hi'ya Hi'ya
by Shanese