Grade 3 Class
In our school, each class takes turns reading the prayer on the intercom each day. Sometimes the prayers are chosen from books, and sometimes the prayers are written by the students themselves.
Sister Henrietta visits our school each Tuesday. She taught us that prayers should have 4 parts:
- Praise
- Thanks
- Request
- Action
The following are the first prayers written by our class, this school year. We wrote these together, then students were chosen to read them on the intercom for the week of October 22-26, 2001
Prayer of Praise
Dear Lord,
You are so wonderful! You help us with our world, and our benefits. You help us create our world and help us to keep our world safe.
You are our most loving Lord.
Prayer of Thanks
Thank you Mary for all you gave to us and to our God.
O Mother in heaven, thank you for being a mom for Jesus, and also for us, when we need you...like when we get hurt.
Thank you for helping God, Mary.
Prayer of Request
Help the world to have peace and harmony.
May everyone be sacred, and never let us fall from grace, or be sad.
Thank you for all our mountains, our food, and our warm shelter, that some don't have.
Dear loving Creator, we ask you to watch over those who have less, those who are sick, and those who are suffering.
Prayer of Action
Our dearest loving Jesus,
Help us try to follow Your Father's rules for us, and we will try and follow in your footsteps.
We will help some people.
We will be thankful for mothers and our parents.
We will try and think together.
We will ask for RESPECT from everyone.
We will thank you for us and for everything.
In Christ's name...
Prayer To End The Week
O loving family in heaven above,
You watch down on us from above, and you keep your loving hearts with us each day. You try and guide us safely through each day and each week, by helping us to make choices that are wise, respectful, and caring of others.
We know you understand when we don't hear you speaking to us, trying to help us. We ask your forgiveness, and we promise to try harder to be listening for your help. We do need you close to us.
Thank you for our many blessings that we see, and for all the blessings that we don't see.
Thank you for helping us to share our many talents and gifts with each other.
With your help, we are stronger.
Together, we are strongest.
Let each breath we take and each choice we make...be one that will make you proud of us, here on earth.