Grade 3
Back to School Prayers
The following prayers were written for the first prayer writing assignment completed by our class of students in the 2000-2001 school year.
Some of these were chosen to be read for our school's daily prayer on the intercom. (October 2-6)
Mrs. Monteith's Prayer
Our loving Father and Mother in heaven,
Thank you for bringing me my classroom of children to teach this year.
Help me guide them each day, into learning all your wonders.
Be with us as we share the adventures and challenges of learning and growing together.
Forgive us when we get frustrated and tired along the way, and show us how to stay focused on your mission for each of us.
In all we say, in all we do, in all we feel...we worship you.
We need you, we love you and
we want you with us, ever close.
May we make you proud of us.
AJ's Prayer
Thank you God for shelter, safe water, food and clothes for everyone.
Thank you God for answering my prayers.
Thank you God for making my mosom better because she was sick.
I apologize to you God for not doing my work and I will try harder.
I am thankful for the big meal we have on Thanksgiving day.
Annie's Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for the food, drinks and clothes.
You are Father to all of us.
Thank you for watching over my family.
Thank you for all of the people.
Byron's Prayer
I thank you for this day.
Thank you for helping me learn new things.
Keep us safe and strong and guide us as we grow.
Chantele B.'s Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for all the good things you have given us.
Thank you for our parents, our brothers, our sisters, our homes, our toys, our friends, and our families.
Chaselyne's Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for the food, the drinks, and the clothing.
Let us pray for the people who suffer.
I pray for the poor and those in the war.
I pray for all suffering people.
Thank you for the people.
I am sorry for stealing something.
Chelsea's Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for everything you give me.
My mom and my dad thank you for food, water, and shelter.
I am sorry for lying.
I like you God.
Danielle's Prayer
Thank you God for me and my family.
Thank you for the sun, moon, clouds, and stars.
Thank you God for my friends, for the school, the teachers and the kids.
Thank you for food, my body, homes and people.
Desiree's Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you Creator for heaven, for trees and for flowers.
Thank you for the Spirit of God, hovering over the waters.
Thank you for the plants and trees on the land.
Thank you for loving us.
We know that Jesus died for us and You love us.
Frankie's Prayer
Dear God,
I thank you for food and water so we can live. Thank you for the clothes you gave all of us.
Help us to learn and be kind to each other.
Make us have good manners so we can make friends.
Watch over us.
Gabby's Prayer
Thanks God for my mom and dad who help me to learn.
I know God is with me through the day. He wants to help us.
I hope my dad is safe.
God bless my brother and sister, my aunties, my friends and my teachers too.
Thank you God for all the good food and everything else.
Jared's Prayer
I like to thank the Creator for the trees that give us air to breathe.
Thanks for the animals which give us food and also gives us pets.
I would like to thank the Creator for the water we drink.
I'd like to thank the Creator for Mother Earth.
I thank you for listening to my prayer.
Jubillee's Prayer
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen
God is good, God is great.
He can hear us when we pray.
So we will safely say to Him...
Thank you for the lovely day.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen
Kara B.'s Prayer
Dear God,
I hope you are watching over me and my family, and everybody else in the world.
Help us with the day.
Kara's (other) Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for everything you gave me to survive.
I'm sorry if I have sinned and lied.
Thank you God for everything you gave me, and I'm sorry if I never prayed up to heaven.
I really believe in you a lot. My mom has a whole lot of pictures of heaven and you.
Kecia L.'s Prayer
My Dear Lord,
God is good. God is great.
Please love our family till we die.
Keep us from the bad evil things.
Thank you for keeping our family happy.
Naomi H.'s Prayer
Dear God,
I will do what you want me to do.
Bless this world and bless the people.
Thank you for the food and water.
Watch over the people who are sick or very very sick.
Raven's Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for the land and water.
Thank you for the food, clothes, and shelter so we can live.
Thank you for the coats we wear so we can be warm.
Thank you for the school so we can learn stuff.
Thank you for the prayer Jesus taught us.
Rudy's Prayer
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the land and animals.
Thank you for shelter; because if we had no shelter, we would get sick and die.
Thank you for the sun; because if there was no sun, there would not be light and we would not have night.
Thank you for school so we could learn; because if there was no school we would be dumb.
Lord is so great.
He is so powerful.
Samantha C.'s Prayer
Thank you for making me happy everyday.
I hope you are happy God.
I cannot think of anything I want to ask for today, and I cannot think of anything I am sorry about, right now.
Samantha F.'s Prayer
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the food, the coats, and the clothes.
I am sorry for the things that I did wrong.
Thank you for the things that you have given me.
Shantell's Prayer
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the things you gave us to live with and survive with.
God is great. God is good.
God creates animals.
God likes what He sees when He looks at me.