Grade 3 ...
Prayers to Mary... 2001

May is the month of Mary...a time to praise and give thanks for the love of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Following ...are prayers our class wrote to Mary.

Prayer for Easing Troubles
Oh Blessed Mother of Heaven and Earth,
You are so loving to your Son Jesus and to our God, Creator of all things. You have shown us how to love, even when times are so hard.
We all have hard times and times when we are worried, upset, sad or troubled. Let us be like you Mary. Help us to be strong, and trust in God's love for us. Help us know we are not alone, and your Son Jesus, will help us too.
Let us not lose faith; in our Lord, in our helping Saints and angels, and in you, Mary.
Please forgive us for the times when we caused problems for ourselves, and for other people. We will try harder to bring happiness like you did Mary, not pain and suffering.
Ave Maria!
(written by Mrs. Monteith and the Grade 3 class)

Prayer for People
Dear God and Mary,
Mary, keep everyone safe, even your Son Jesus. Make everyone pray for Jesus.
Thank you God and Mary, for the world and land. Thank you for helping us work with you, and thanks for everyone to love each other.
We would love to ask you for faith and wisdom. Help people who are sick and fevered. We pray for people who have died in our families.
We are sorry for the mistakes we have made to people and to the earth. We are sorry for being mean to people. We are sorry for littering around the earth.
We will help our moms, fathers, grandmas, grandfathers, and families. We will listen to our teachers.
(written by... Justin, Naomi, Ryan)

Prayer for School Year-End
Oh Blessed Mother Mary,
We give praise to the Lord, and Mary, and also to everyone.
Thank you for all the fun times when you made us feel happy and great, this special year at school.
We ask for having fun, the rest of the year, in everything we do. We hope everyone is alright and for all things to be alright. We are praying for doing well on our tests.
We are sorry for the times when we caused problems in the school, at home , or anywhere. Forgive us for what we have done.
We will try hard on our tests and be nice to our friends, so we will be remembered in a nice way.
Praise to you Mary!
(written by...Desiree, Jared and Shantell)

Prayer for Summer
Dear Mary,
You are our Queen of Heaven and Earth and you are our Mother.
Thank you for the things that go right in the whole world. Thank you for the flowers, grass, trees, sun and the living things on the earth.
We ask to keep the world safe and happy when summer comes, and everyone is gone from their classroom families.
We're sorry for problems that we caused, this year at school. We are sorry that we got our teacher frustrated. We are sorry for the bad things we did to her. We ask you to forgive us, for doing the bad things.
Whatever we do that is hurtful, will hurt You, our Mother Mary.
We hope we can make you happy with Your children.
We're asking for a safe summer.
This summer we'll help the world be a better place to live in. We'll pick up garbage and throw it in the dump.
(witten by... AJ, Danielle, Frankie, Kecia)

Prayer for the Gifts on Mother Earth
Oh Blessed Mother of Heaven and Earth,
Thank you for the trees, plants, birds, sky, and earth, so great. We love you!
Thank you for making everybody in a loving family like us.
Forgive all of us for the things we did by not listening to our teachers, our moms and dads, and other people like you Mary, Jesus, and God our Creator.
Mary, could you say hello to our families in Heaven, and tell them that we love them. We love you too Mary!
We will try harder to keep our communities clean and safe.
Thank you Lord our God... for the Earth.
(written by... Byron, Chantele, Jubillee, Rebecca)