Grade 3 ...
Easter Prayers 2001

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Mrs. Monteith's Prayer
Almighty Lord and Father,
As we remember the greatest lesson of Your forgiveness of our sins, through recalling the last days of Jesus' life on earth, may we also remember your great love for us.
You promise us everlasting life because of the great sacrifice Your Son endured for us. We give You our thanks and our love.
We pray that our thoughts and our deeds, make You proud of us, Your children. Help us to do what You want us to do, and forgive us when we do not hear You speaking to us.
You are our ever-loving Creator. You know what we want and You give us all we need. Thank You for our many blessings.
May this Easter, renew our baptismal promise to You. May Your Holy Spirit be strong in us.
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Anna's Prayer
Thank you God for making people and pets.
Sorry for not listening to people, and not listening to teachers.
Praise God...You are always there for me and others.
I ask for people that are weak, to get better.
Thank You Jesus for dying for us and helping poeple that are suffering.
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AJ's Prayer
I am sorry for not doing my homework.
I will ask for help when I need it.
I praise You.
Thanks for the earth and the people.
Easter is great. We get candy and bunny's baskets.
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Chantele B's Prayer
Dear God,
Thank You for being my friend. You are with me all day.
In bed I pray to You, because I love You so much.
I am sorry for all the things I have done. I am sorry for that.
I will ask for love forever and ever.
Dear God, I hope I will have a happy Easter, but if I am sad, I will be sad.
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Chantel H's Prayer
Dear God,
Please God, help all the people that are sick and that are in the hospital, and all those having trouble.
I'm sorry for being bad and not listening to the teachers when they tell me to go back to class, and to go outside.
Thanks for giving us a life.
I like all the people you made.
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Chaselyne's Prayer
Dear God,
Please forgive me. Jesus died on His cross, and forgave all of us. God wanted to make the whole world for us and give us healthy food to live.
I'm sorry for being a bad girl, sometimes. Thank you for forgiveness.
Please let my Lenten mistakes, be forgiven.
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Chelsea's Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for Jesus and for all the love You give to children.
I wish I could have been at the Last Supper with Jesus.
I am sorry for being rude to other people.
I ask for kindness and nice people.
Praise to You Jesus!
I wish for special blessings for all the people who celebrate Palm Sunday.and Easter.
I thank you for celebrating Jesus' days on earth!
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Danielle's Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for the sun, moon, the stars, for light, the sky and the birds in the sky.
Thank you for the grass on the ground and for the trees that give us air. Thank you for the roads for the cars.
I am sorry for not listening to my mom and dad.
I ask for sick people to get better.
I hope people have a good Easter.
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Desiree's Prayer
Thank you God for we give praise to You.
I am sorry for making people feel bad.
I'm asking for You to make this world better.
Easter is the time when a bunny comes out and surprises the children.
But the real gift You give to us is that You love us and cherish us.
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Frankie's Prayer
Dear God,
I thank you for the food and water and everything we have to live.
I am sorry for the bad things I have done.
I pray everyday with my class.
I hope You are happy that it is Easter. Thank You for Easter. Easter reminds me about Jesus.
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Jubillee's Prayer
Sorry for all the things I did wrong.
I'm thankful for the gives you give us.
I ask for forgiveness.
You are wonderful! You help people.
Thank You for the eggs, the rabbits.
I'm sorry for Jesus' suffering for us.
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Kara's Prayer
Dear God, I love You and I know you'll watch over me through my life.
I'm sorry if I sometimes lied to my mom and dad. Do You forgive me? I promise that I will never lie again.
I don't want to be spoiled and I don't want any presents, but I really want for my mom and dad to be back together again.
Jesus, thank You that You died for us so we can live. If it wasn't for You, we wouldn't have everlasting life. Thank You.
I will never forget the bible that I got, and I read a page each night before bed.
I loved when Jesus got out of the desert. I felt bad when Jesus got hung on the cross.
Praise You God and bless You God!
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Kecia's Prayer
Dear God,
On Holy Thursday I'll never forget what you did 'till I die. I wish I was at the dinner.
I'm sorry for not following your rules. Forgive me.
I ask You to help the sick people.
Thank You for the great family and world.
I praise You forever!
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Naomi's Prayer
Dear God,
I hope I have a fun and happy Easter.
Thank You for all the things You have done for the poor people. You helped everybody feel so much better.
I will praise You always!
An angel rolled that heavy rock and You rose from the dead.
You helped me finish my work but I'm sorry that I sinned and I'm sorry for being mean to my family.
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Raven's Prayer
Dear God,
I love You with all my heart. I praise You for the Lord Jesus Christ.
I thank You so much for helping my Grandmother who was suffering very badly. I also want to ask if I can give a prayer to Vanessa.
I want to ask for everybody to have a nice Easter.
I am sorry I stoled. Please forgive me.
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Ryan's Prayer
Dear God,
I am sorry for the things I've done wrong.
Thank you for the water and food and plants. Thank you for the trees and flowers. Thank you for the sky so blue and the ocean so bright.
Thank you for the schools.
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Shantell's Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for food and water.
I ask for forgiveness. I am sorry for the things I have done, bad.
God is great and nice.
I hope that we could have an Easter hunt, because last year all the little kids got the candy, and we got the gum only.
Jesus rose from the dead and His mother prayed for Jesus to be okay. Jesus was fine in heaven because His Father took care of Him and He was still fine.
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