Remembrance Day
Ben Calf Robe School
Friday, November 8, 2002 Ben Calf Robe School Gym 10:45 am
Call to celebrate (over intercom) : Remembrance Day – B. Adams Opening Hymn: Let There Be Peace Welcome Greeting: Bluesky Makokis: Jesus was kind and forgiving. He said good things about people and when they did not live accordingly to God’s ill He reminded them about what they should be doing. This is what a Peacemaker is, a person who tries to make the Creator’s will lived in the world. First Reading: Candace Gladue: Psalm 119:2-8 : How happy are those who respect His decrees and seek with Him their whole heart, and, doing no evil, walk in his ways! You yourself have made your values known to be faithfully kept. Oh! May my behaviour be constant in keeping your decrees. If I concentrate on your every commandment, I can never be put to shame. I thank you from an upright heart, shooled in your rules of righteousness. I mean to observe your stautues; never abandon me. Hymn: Seek Ye First Gospel: Daniel Morin: Matthew 5:9 : Happy are the poor in spirit; theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Happy are the gentle, they have the earth for their heritage. Happy are those who mourn, they shall be comforted. Happy are those who hunger and thirst for what is right; they shall be satisfied. Happy the merciful, they shall have mercy shown them. Happy the pure in heart, they shall see God. Happy the peacemakers, they shall be called children of God. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Response: Vic Letendre, Aboriginal War Vetran Intentions: Response: Creator, make us children of quietness and heirs of peace. Desmond R.: Creator, help all children who live in countries were there is always fighting and fear. Be with them as they continue to search and live in peace. We pray to the Lord. Delores D.: Creator, give the Leaders of the world wisdom and understanding. Give them the courage to say what they think is right. We pray to the Lord. Ryan G.: Lord Jesus, We pray for peace at times when there is war. Bless our soldiers and veterans, any may we never forget what they do, and have done for our country. We pray to the Lord. Shalynn W.: Creator, help us to love one another. Help us to care for each other, so that friendship may grow from nation to nation, bringing peace to our world. We pray to the Lord. Nepin G (in Cree): Creator, make us instruments of your peace. We pray to the Lord. Moment of Silence The Last Post: Mr. McGuinness Closing Song: O Canada Lest We Forget. Desmond R.: Creator, help all children who live in countries were there is always fighting and fear. Be with them as they continue to search and live in peace. We pray to the Lord. Delores D.: Creator, give the Leaders of the world wisdom and understanding. Give them the courage to say what they think is right. We pray to the Lord. Ryan G.: Lord Jesus, We pray for peace at times when there is war. Bless our soldiers and veterans, any may we never forget what they do, and have done for our country. We pray to the Lord. Shalynn W.: Creator, help us to love one another. Help us to care for each other, so that friendship may grow from nation to nation, bringing peace to our world. We pray to the Lord. Nepin G (in Cree): Creator, make us instruments of your peace. We pray to the Lord. Response: Creator, make us children of quietness and heirs of peace. O Canada O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love! In all our sons command! With glowing hearts We see thee rise The true north strong and free! From far and wide O Canada! We stand on guard for thee! God keep our land Glorious and free! O Canada, We stand on guard for thee O Canada! We stand on guard for thee! Let There Be Peace On Earth Let there be peace on earth And let it begin with me. Let there be peace on earth The peace that was meant to be. With God as our Father Brothers all are we. Let me walk with my brother In perfect harmony! Let peace begin with me Let this be the moment now. With every step I take Let this be my solemn vow. To take each moment and live each moment I peace eternally Let there be peace on earth, And let it begin with me. Let it begin with me. Seek Ye First Seek ye first The kingdom of God And his righteousness And all these things Shall be given unto you! A – le- lu, A – le- lu - ia! Ask and it shall Be given unto you! Seek and ye shall find! Knock and it shall be Opened unto you! A - le- lu, A - le- lu - ia!
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