Father Stefano Penna Presents...

Be Ambitious for Higher Gifts!
jesus on the hill

February 3, 2005

Praise Be to Jesus Christ… Praise Be Forever!

Catholic Leadership is for those having… VISION If you LEAD for LOVE… You will find JOY!!!
How do you know if you are/should be a LEADER? - you have the DESIRE/PASSION to want to do something MORE - people tell you that you are/should be a leader - you are SCARED to do it or you don’t know if you can - you are a person of PRAYER … called to a DEEPER LIFE
Leaders are born in the second stage of life! 3 Stages of LIFE: 1.Childhood to Adulthood 2.Adulthood 3.Death
LIFE CHANGING EVENTS are a FUNCTION of our FAITH-BUILDING …and guide us to become LEADERS!!!
Life Changing Events can be… positive or negative crisis or celebration painful or joyous triumph or tribulation
We are always vulnerable to our EMOTIONS …BUT… at the end of our journey through life-changing events… we gain WISDOM and POWER Jesus had many followers…but ALL of Jesus’ Disciples were chosen because each of them had gone through crisis!!!
last supper
How are SPIRITUAL LEADERS developed?
1.BIBLE TIME – daily, regular, 10 minutes only! 2.PERSONAL CONVERSION – “You can’t give what you don’t have!” …so… GET IT! BUILD IT! CREATE IT! DEVELOP IT! 3.HABITS of LOVE – DAILY QUIET TIME, PRAYER TIME, BIBLE TIME 4.RELATIONSHIP with condition of SOUL – Be HONEST and CLEAR in what you do and say

The future of the Catholic Church is in … the SCHOOL, the CLASSROOM and most especially… the TEACHER!!! The role of the layperson is to BUILD a COMMUNITY of LOVE!!! FAITH should PERMEATE the reality of ALL classes, subjects, learning.
R.I.S.K.! Respond to Individual Students with Kindness!

In order to TEACH…
YOU must have COURAGE! YOU must open your HEART and let all others in! (Aim for AGAPE!) You must become a MENTOR! You must go through FAITH FORMATION!
1.READ i.e. Theology for Teachers – Fr. Ian Knox Theology of Love – Margaret Visser 2.Intentional Celebration i.e. Take time to give thanks and praise! 3.Develop a LISTENING HEART TOTAL QUIET time each day to listen to GOD in your heart 4.LOVE !!! 5.DANCE!
dancing gal
4 types of ‘HUMAN DANCE’: 1.Conception 2.Birth 3.Life 4.Death Finally… Give time to explore ABBA… (The breathing, quiet, rhythm beating of the heart) It is the LEADER (HOLY SPIRIT) In All Of Us!