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ADVENT Prayers
3M Family

Advent is a very special time of preparing for the birth of Jesus. This excitement is ever present in our classroom. We have done many special things to get ready to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. The following prayers were written for the third week of Advent, by the 3M Family. Please enjoy our time talking to GOD.
Alyssa’s Advent Prayer Oh loving Jesus, When I do something that is bad, I say sorry. At night, in my prayers, I say sorry. Thank you Jesus for my loving teacher Mrs. Monteith. When I grow up I want to be a student teacher for Mrs. Monteith. I love her too. I love you Jesus! I love that you were born so we could have Christmas. If we didn’t have Jesus… we wouldn’t have Christmas! Even at Christmas, I wonder, “Why did Jesus have to be killed?” We love you! Alleluia! Chevaz’s Advent Prayer Dear Loving God, Thank you God for Christmas Day and Baby Jesus. Thank you for food, life and our country Canada. I’m going to help other kids and donate toys to the poor kids in South America. It’s week three of Advent and we are getting ready for Christmas. God, can you help the poor find shelter where they could be warm for Christmas and the rest of winter? Hosanna Denis’ Advent Prayer Dear God, Let others be happy on Christmas Eve and receive presents. Thank you for the wonderful new year of Christmas. I will be my best. Thank you for food and water and life. Dear Mary, You must be happy in heaven with God and Jesus. We all have joy this Advent season. It is week three and it is close to Christmas Eve. We are excited for Christmas. Christmas is only days away, now. Hosanna Frankie’s Advent Prayer Loving Creator, God you are so Please let my mom be better. Then my dad and my mom and my cat and may family, would go to West Edmonton Mall. God is caring, saving, thankful, cheerful and happy about Mary and Joseph and Jesus. This Christmas Eve, my family activity is going to be leaving Santa some cookies and milk. Then I am going to brush my teeth and then go to bed. I will wake up at 7:00 in the morning and then open presents. Amen to everyone this Christmas. Jamie’s Advent Prayer Dear God, Thank you for Mother Earth. Thank you for water and food on my table. We are getting ready to celebrate your birthday, Jesus. Thank you God for watching over us. Please watch over my family and I. We pray to you before we go to sleep. I will fight with no one. It is the third week of Advent and we will be welcoming Jesus. Please help all the kids in the world To have some kind of present this Christmas. Amen Justin’s Advent Prayer Dear Creator, Thank you for my family, my friends, and my home. I will help my mom clean the livingroom to get ready for Christmas. Thank you for letting Mary know she is having baby Jesus! Please watch over the poor and for everyone who cannot celebrate Christmas. Alleluia Kennedy’s Advent Prayer Oh loving Jesus, God, thank you for Christmas. We are going to get presents under my tree. It is our week three and we are getting ready for your birth. I ask you to take care of the poor and the suffering so they can have JOY at Christmas. To show you I care about other people, I gave my teddy bears to the poor and I gave some of my clothes to the poor and suffering. Glory to you O God! Kris’ Advent Prayer Oh Great Powerful One, Thank you God for life on earth, For putting a roof over my head, Food on my table, Clothes on my body, And presents under my tree. Can you please bless me and my family And my school? I love you and you love me. Can you give the poor presents for me? I love you God. I will not fight with anyone anymore. I am sorry. This is the third week of Advent. I remember a lot of things now About Jesus getting born in the stable. Praise to you in your son’s name. Leona’s Advent Prayer Oh Mother, Please watch over me. Creator is with you too. Thank you for this day God, And thank you for bringing us together. I will help my Grandma around the house. I will help do the dishes and clean the livingroom. Mary is so excited to have her baby Jesus, But Joseph is scared because he doesn’t want Mary to feel pain. Please keep my friends safe in Saskatchewan. There is only days until Christmas. I am going Christmas shopping soon. All praise to you Heavenly Family! Nash’s Advent Prayer Dear God, Help me be kind and true. Hail Mary, Thank you for being Jesus’ mom. His birthday is almost here. It is almost Christmas! It is snowing. Mary carries a candle in the town of David. Jesus has been born for the world! If there was no Jesus, there won’t be Christmas! When the Wisemen came to Jesus, They came to share food and gave him presents. Later in his life, When the guards came to Jesus, They took his life. Jesus died on the cross so we could have peace and forgiveness. That was Easter Thank you for your life Jesus. Shania’s Advent Prayer Oh Loving God, Getting ready for Jesus’ birthday is so, so, so important to me. I think we should celebrate that God has been born in the stable. Mary and Joseph were so happy! Everybody came to see the newborn baby. I’m going to show everyone, I care about God and Jesus’ birthday. God, I want a good life and good Christmas. I wish everyone a good Christmas. I wish you God, a good Christmas. I wish everybody in heaven, a good Christmas You are so nice and kind, God. Amen Shawna’s Advent Prayer Dear Lord, Thank you for the food on my table, For clean water and for all the animals. Thank you for my brothers and sisters. Thank you for the angels. Lord I will be better at school. Jesus’ birthday is coming and we are getting ready for his birthday. Lord, Please make sure that everybody Gets presents to open on Christmas. I love you God. Have a Merry Christmas in heaven! Amen Tamara’s Advent Prayer God, You bring us peace, joy , love Our family and friends. Thank you. Thank you for making Christmas. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for making Christmas trees So we can decorate them and we can celebrate Your birthday. I’m going to help people and animals. I’m going to tell people, “No more fighting!” Help me do my best and help people do their best too! This is the third week of Advent and we will color our candles and remember. Amen Trisha’s Advent Prayer Oh God Creator of Heaven and Earth, Thank you for Christmas. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus. Mary must have been so happy and maybe Joseph was too! May all the people have a wonderful Christmas dinner And may all people be with family and receive presents. Help everyone make good choices through the whole year and respect themselves and others. It is the third week of Advent and we are getting close to Christmas. Glory be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit… Amen