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Grade 3 Class


The following are prayers written for LENT 2002.

Some of these prayers were chosen to be read for the school's daily prayer, on the intercom.


Thank you Lord for all You give; for the things we need to live. Thank you Lord for all of the animals, the food, and my family.

I will try and do better in school.

I hope You will forgive us. Help us to make better choices.

We will remember You Jesus, for all You gave us, for all You did for us, and for dying on the cross, for us.
by Brett


God and Jesus,
Thank you for creating our world, for creating food, and for making us live with a good life with a special shelter.

Thank you Lord for all You give and for Jesus, who taught us right and wrong.

Help us get ready for Easter by helping us celebrate Easter.
We will try to help bad people become good people.

For all Your love and all You do...THANK YOU.
by Cassidy


Thank you Lord for the food, water and animals that You gave us, for our people.

Forgive the bad people for doing bad stuff.

At Lent and Easter, we will never forget what You did to forgive us.

by Dale


Dear God,
Thank you Lord for all the food and clothes. Thank you for letting me go to school and learn.

I love You Jesus.

I will get ready for Easter. I will pray for You as You have taught me.

thank you for dying on the cross. I know You will live forever.
by Jenna


Dear God,
I hope you remember me saying these prayers.
I am sorry for Your child and I won't forget You or Your child.

I feel sorry for You and Your angels. They do lots of work.

Thank you for my teacher and my family.

Help us get ready for Easter by helping us make Easter safe.

Forgive us for all the bad things we've done to other people.

by Lanita


Thank you Lord for all the food and water and for the people too. Thank you for Jesus, the earth, the sun, and the moon.

Help us make good choices, and I will hope everybody forgives us for making bad choices.
by Logan


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Dear God,
Thank you for sending Jesus to us. I feel sorry Jesus had to die on the cross.

At Easter I am thinking of God, and I will be good on Easter.

I can pray everyday and be loving and kind.

Help me to be a good student, in my class.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

by Lyndon


Dear Creator,
Thank you for the earth and the sun. Thank you for the food and shelter.

Thank you for dying for us, on the cross.

Thank you for your love.

Help me to be caring and giving.
by Max


O Lord Jesus,
we will remember Your death, and all the good deeds You did for all of us.

Thank you for forgiving the people in the world, for all their sins.

We pray for us to make a path to heaven, without stopping on the way, because we don't want to get lost.

Thank you for dying on the cross, and for the pain You had for us.

I will try to be as good as You, to follow Your path.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
by Natasha


Thanks Lord for the animals, the food, and the water.

Thank you for my sisters, my parents, my cousins, and my friends.

Help us to do better in life and forgive us for the bad things we do.

Help us get ready for Easter.
I am going to try my best to do my work.
by Robert H.


Dear God,
I thank you for all the nice things You have given us. I thank you for all the food You gave us.

Thank you for my sisters and brothers and my mom.

Thank you for teaching us to love each other.

Easter is a time to remember Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and You God.

I will try to be good for God and Jesus.

I hope everyone makes good choices during Lent.


Dear God,
Thanks so much for giving my family all the things we need to live.

I wish You all I have in my heart, but save me some love, so I can grow and give more away.

We will get ready for Easter by praying to the Lord.

I will never forget about my family, God and Jesus.

Thank you for loving us and for dying for us, Jesus. I will never forget what You did for my family.
by Shanese


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Thank you Jesus for dying for us on the cross.
Help us to be good and help us to be our best.

We will love you forever.

I will remember to say my prayers this Easter.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
by Sheena


O Most Gracious Savior and Everlasting God,
As we begin another journey to Easter, may we remember to use Lent as a time to prepare ourselves for Your greatest act of love.

May we use our minds, our hearts and our bodies, to do Your will. May we make choices that help others and bring us all, closer to You and Your Kingdom.

Be close to us and forgive us, for all the times when we could do better. We trust in You, we have faith in You, and we know You love us.

Thank you for all the blessings You shower over us, all the gifts You give us, and all the talents You grace us with. May we use these to make Your world a stronger and more peaceful place.

We promise our prayers and our lives to You. We look to Your light and salvation, to guide us.
Praise You Almighty Lord and Creator of all ...
by Mrs. Monteith - Grade 3 Teacher
