Ben Calf Robe School

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 18-25, 2004

world of hearts


This is the week of prayer for Christian Unity. This means that people from all over the world, Christians of many different faiths and beliefs, dedicate this week to pray, reflect, study and celebrate…our COMMON FAITH in Jesus Christ…as we all work together towards CHRISTIAN UNITY.

It is a time to pray, that all peoples can find PEACE for this world…and with each other.

This week, on the intercom announcements each day, we will participate in the week of PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY…by having a brief reflection and prayer for PEACE and UNITY.


“My peace I give to you.” John 14:23-31

Jesus tells us that true PEACE is as near to us, as the living GOD.
It is given freely, and GOD wants us to share this PEACE freely with each other.
GOD loved us so much, He sent us His Son Jesus…as a gift of PEACE.

Song: Jesus is our PEACE.

Prayer: (have the school/students ECHO)
We thank you LORD…
For the love you have shown us…
Grant us the grace…
To accept the peace…
Your love brings to us…
In the peace of Christ we pray…


“Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them.” John 14:23

God’s love brings peace, and brings us all, unity with Him and His Son. We can live in confidence knowing that God loves us gently, patiently, and eternally. Even when we make mistakes, his love brings forgiveness.

Song: Prodigal Son

Prayer: (have the school/students ECHO)
Lord you are so loving…
You bring calmness and serenity…
You calm the waves of our troubles…
And lead us into peaceful waters…
Give us the faith…
That reminds us you are with us…
Now and until…
The end of time…
In the peace of Christ we pray…


“Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” (John 14:27)

People who live in fear, have lost the gift of peace. Even the disciples of Jesus, became afraid of the harsh realities that faced them. Jesus invited them to have confidence and peace. We make peace by growing in understanding, working for justice, and seeking forgiveness with one another.

Because we are brothers and sisters, God’s love will become visible in our lives and in our world, only when we make it visible through the love we have for each other.

Song: Be Not Afraid

Prayer (have the school/students ECHO)
Lord God of Peace…
One word from you…
Was enough to soothe…
The fear of the apostles…
And the fury of the storm…
Grant to us…
The peoples of your world…
Grace to hear your word…
Let us bring peace…
And forgiveness to all…
In the peace of Christ we pray…


“The Holy Spirit will teach you and remind you of all I have said to you.” (John 14:26)

When the Holy Spirit came down upon the terrified apostles, they came to understand and remember how God became human in Jesus Christ.

Through the Holy Spirit, the disciples received pardon, and the peace Jesus offers to humanity. This lifted them out of their fear.

Each person is invited to peace with GOD; to be at peace with himself/herself and each other. Peace between churches, faiths, and peoples…remind us that we are ONE SPIRIT, just as ONE LORD has taught us.

Song: They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love

Prayer: (have the school/students ECHO)
O God of truth…
Peace and justice…
Open our minds…
Enlighten our spirits…
Heal our fears…
Lead us to welcome…
The spirit of truth…
In our churches…
Our faith…
And ourselves…
May the Holy Spirit guide us…
Towards true peace…
In the peace of Christ we pray…


“Rise, let us be on our way.” (John 14:31)

Shalom – Shalom is peace.
Can we be at true peace as long as one us suffers injustice, hunger, pain, or any other kind of torment?

All who have accepted Christ and have clothed themselves in light…seek all that is good and right and true.

Christ shines from within us, when we act as peacemakers for justice, when we feed the hungry, when we help those in pain and suffering.

We have died and risen with Christ, when we do as He would want us to.

Song: Whatsoever You Do

Prayer: (have the school/students ECHO)
God the Father…
And the Son…
And the Holy Spirit…
You reveal to us…
That darkness and injustice…
Can be conquered with our actions…
You offer us PEACE…
When we imitate you…
And break the chains…
Of inhumanity…
And division…
Help us find your peace…
In humble and courageous service…
To the least of your family…
Strengthen us with your Spirit…
That we may always hate evil…
Love good…
And establish justice…
In the peace of Christ we pray…


Have your students do a rainbow (draw/color, paint, construction paper/tissue twist, etc.) and with the rainbow…have your students add/learn the following prayer:

(RED) Spirit of justice and love
(YELLOW) we ask you to help us live in peace in our world.
(PINK) United in Christ
(GREEN) may we reach out to others,
(PURPLE) and bring them hope.
(ORANGE) May we be people of forgiveness and reconciliation.
(BLUE) All the days of our lives…

***These could be displayed outside your classrooms***

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