Ash Wednesday
February 25, 2004


Ben Calf Robe School’s


Ben Calf Robe School’s
February 25, 2004

Gathering Song: (on intercom) The Church Is Wherever God’s People Are Praising

Blessing of Gymnasium: Michael Merrier

Procession: Father Jim, Mr. Richardson, Ms Irlbacher, Miss Anderson, (6) students (one from each grade 1-6) with LENTEN SYMBOLS

Opening Hymn: Come Back To Me

Welcome: Mr. Richardson
Today is Ash Wednesday…the beginning of the season of LENT. LENT is a time when we look at ourselves and see what we would like to change. It is a time of prayer, forgiveness, and doing good works. It is a time when we ask Jesus to lead us away from sin and towards living for God.

It is a time for people to give praise and honour to God…and remember the challenge that Jesus had to go through during the 40 days of LENT and during his death on the cross. It is a time to listen carefully, to give to others willingly, and to love freely; our selves, others, and most of all…our Creator Lord God Jesus Christ.

On Ash Wednesday we receive the ashes on our forehead to remind us that we are all sinners…that we all make mistakes…and that we all need to try harder and ask for forgiveness from God, from others, and even from ourselves.

Let us begin this great challenge of LENT together, remembering that we have been weak…but we will strive for new strength as we journey toward Easter.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit………………..Amen

First Reading: Mr. Argent
A reading from St. Paul to the Colossians : chapter 3 verses 12-17

“Because you have been chosen by GOD, be kind when someone hurts you, forgive him just as the Lord would forgive you. Above all, love one another, for it is love that binds all of these together.

Be ever thankful; let the word of Christ dwell in your heart.
Whatever you do, in words or deeds, do in the name of Jesus, and wherever you go give thanks to God the Father through Him.

This is the word of the Lord……………………………Thanks be to God

Responsorial Song: Jesus Is Our Peace

Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia

Gospel: Father Jim (or Mr. Richardson)
A reading from the gospel of Luke 19:1-10
…………..Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus was going through Jericho, where a man named Zacchaeus lived. He was in charge of collecting taxes, and was very rich. Jesus was heading his way, and Zacchaeus wanted to see what he was like. But Zacchaeus was a short man and could not see over the crowd so he ran ahead and climbed up a sycamore tree.

When Jesus got there, he looked up and said “Zacchaeus, hurry down! I want to stay with you today”. Zacchaeus hurried down and gladly welcomed Jesus.

Everyone started grumbling. “This man Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord “I will give half of my property to the poor and I will now pay back four times as much to everyone I have ever cheated”.

Jesus said to Zacchaeus “Today you and your family have been saved because you are a true son of Abraham. The Son of Man came to look for, and to save, people who are lost”.

This is the Gospel of the Lord
………………………Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

Hymn: Prodigal Son

At this time, we will explain the significance of the 6 LENTEN symbols that will be a focus for the 6 weeks of LENT. Students will recite and place symbol on the altar.

(Week 1)
In reading the word of GOD, we begin to know and understand GOD’s way.
It is the GOOD NEWS… it is the HOLY BOOK of our FAITH.

(Week 2)
The candle is a sign that JESUS came to be a LIGHT for the world.
He asks us to be a LIGHT for others.

(Week 3)
The heart reminds us of the great love that the Lord has for us. His love is always with us.
He forgives us our sins, because of his great love for us.

(Week 4)
The cross reminds us of Jesus’ great love for us.
He loved us so much, he died on the cross for us.
He turned our minuses into a plus!
We must think about the wrong things we have done and be truly sorry for doing them.

(Week 5)
A caterpillar changes into a butterfly. We should try to change into the best possible person we can be.
LENT is our time to do that!

(Week 6)
Flowers are a sign of NEW LIFE and once we have grown and changed…we will experience NEW LIFE that comes with EASTER.

Blessing and Distribution of Ashes: Father Jim (STAFF assist in distribution)

On Ash Wednesday we have a special way to remind us of our need to grow, to change our hearts and become more caring towards people we live and work with.

When we receive our ashes, we will hear:
“May God help you change and grow in His love”

We reply:
“His will be done”

As we all receive our ashes, let us quietly think of some ways we can change for the better, towards our families, friends, and colleagues.

****Instrumental music will be played during the distribution of the ashes.****

Prayers of the Faithful:

Response – Creator help us change our hearts.

E.C. -
That we may be more helpful at home. We pray to the Lord

Gr. 1 -
That we will do our school work as well as we should. We pray to the Lord

Gr. 3 -
That we will not be mean or hurtful towards others. We pray to the Lord

Gr. 5 -
That we will be honest and truthful with people in our lives – at home, at school and in the community.

Gr. 7 -
That we will realize our own faults and weaknesses and work hard to find the strength to overcome these. We pray to the Lord

(CREE and English) Gr. 9 -
That we will challenge ourselves throughout Lent and the year, to stay in God’s light and make the choices that bring us closer to him. We pray to the Lord.

Mrs. Sayegh -
That all Christians in the world will be united in leading others, through living lives that teach us the way to everlasting life with God. We pray to the Lord.

Closing Prayer: Mrs. Monteith

Let us pray……….
Dear and loving Father,
We know what you ask of us…
But often we are weak…
And do not live as Jesus taught us.

As we begin this Lenten journey…
May we accept the challenge…
to grow as your people…
May we be filled with your light…
avoiding what is wrong…
and doing what is right.

May your holy word grow in our lives…
And may we all be more like you each day…

Help us spread the Good News to others…
Through our deeds and our praise…
During Lent and always…

Closing Hymn: Be Not Afraid


- Each week have your class decorate the ‘symbol’ for the week, understanding its significance.

- Have your students/class do a ‘LENTEN Challenge Chart’. This would be goals (personal/class community) that students want to improve on during LENT. Each day/week review the progress of these challenges and/or have the students do a ‘personal response’ in a LENTEN JOURNAL.

- SEE ERLENE for other LENTEN ideas (interactive display, banner, masks, coloring calendar…)

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