Ben Calf Robe School



Each Grade level (can be) responsible for decorating one of the LENTEN SYMBOLS, listed below.
- Have each student color the symbol, cut it out, and hand in for display.

Grade 1's - Candle
Grade 2's - Butterfly
Grade 3's - Sweetgrass Wreath
Grade 4's - Arrow
Grade 5's - Peace Pipe
Grade 6's – Eagle

Native Lenten Symbols - Meaning and Significance

During the ASH WEDNESDAY celebration, present the Native Lenten symbols, as a focus for our LENTEN JOURNEY to EASTER.

Please go over the significance of as to be more aware of their meaning and importance, during the LENTEN season.

Week 1 - Peace Pipe

The peace pipe reminds us that LENT is a time to make PEACE. We make PEACE by admitting and making up for, mistakes we have made.
We feel SORRY and ask GOD the CREATOR, for FORGIVENESS. We must also FORGIVE those who have hurt us, and make PEACE with each other.
We all grow STRONGER through FORGIVENESS.

Jesus asked His Father to FORGIVE those who were taking His life away.
Jesus was the greatest PEACEMAKER, and the PEACE PIPE is a symbol of this LENTEN goal.

Response:Dear Jesus, help us to be PEACEMAKERS.

Symbolic Craft:
Color/decorate the PEACE PIPE.
Write: I will be a PEACEMAKER by ___________________

Week 2 - Arrow (Coup Stick)

The ARROW reminds us that LENT is a time to POINT ourselves in the RIGHT DIRECTION, with our lives. This means making time for the CREATOR/GOD, in our daily lives, to pray/talk to/thank ...the LORD.

Do we spend enough time thinking about what we SHOULD DO, rather than what we WANT TO DO, or even what OTHERS WANT US TO DO?

It is very important to stay focused on the goals that the Creator has planned for our lives. Do we take time to stop and listen to HIM... speaking to us?

Jesus showed us how to do that. Even Jesus did things to get ready for His Father, to come into His life.

Jesus, help us to stay pointed in the right direction, every day of our lives!

Symbolic Craft:
Students will create a COUP STICK which symbolizes an arrow.
A COUP STICK is a marker/prize, for a Native person conquering something/achieving a goal.
Write: (on arrow decoration) I will get ready for Easter by ___________.

Week 3 - Sweetgrass Wreath

The WREATH reminds us of the CROWN of THORNS that JESUS wore on his head, as well as being a reminder of the STRENGTH that JESUS possessed. SWEETGRASS is a NATIVE SYMBOL of STRENGTH, and the CIRCLE is also a symbol of STRENGTH. The circular shape of the wreath, reminds of the CIRCLE of LIFE, and the fact that through the crucifixion of Jesus, we are guaranteed LIFE EVERLASTING.

Jesus loved us so much, that He was willing to suffer for all of our SINS and MISTAKES, so that we may all have ETERNAL LIFE.

LENT is a time for us to try and be a better person, so we may become STRONG and make the choices that will lead us to EVERLASTING LIFE with JESUS.

Jesus, help us to become STRONGER and more LOVING to others.

Symbolic Craft:
Using the 3 colors of yarn (white for Creator/purity, purple for forgiveness, and green for growth/new life) weave to resemble the braided sweetgrass and form a LENTEN/FRIENDSHIP BRACELET (which is circular shape).

This bracelet will serve as a reminder of this LENTEN JOURNEY.

Week 4 - EAGLE

The EAGLE reminds us of the HOLY SPIRIT. In Native tradition, the EAGLE is the creature that gets closest to HEAVEN. For the 40 days before His crucifixion, Jesus was lead into the desert by a spirit (Jesus was getting close to going to heaven...). The HOLY SPIRIT is WITHIN each of us, trying to HELP US live our lives so we can be closer to Heaven.

Lent is a time to be like the EAGLE, flying as close to Heaven as we can, by LISTENING to the HOLY SPIRIT within us and making wise choices.

Jesus, help us fly close to Heaven, each day.

Symbolic Craft:
Students will decorate a feather, symbolizing the EAGLE's feathers.
Write: The HOLY SPIRIT is helping me to _________________

Week 5 - CANDLE

The CANDLE reminds us that JESUS came to us, to be the LIGHT of the WORLD. He was sent to bring us OUT of DARKNESS and INTO the LIGHT of the LORD. He taught us the way we needed to live, in order to be in GOD'S KINGDOM FOREVER.

During LENT, we strive to STAY in GOD's LIGHT and also, to be a LIGHT for others.

Jesus, help us find our way out of the darkness we face...and stay in Your LIGHT FOREVER!

Symbolic Craft:
Students will make a BEESWAX CANDLE.
Write: I know Jesus loves me because __________________

Week 6 – Butterfly

Jesus rose from the dead, into NEW LIFE…we too are promised this same reward if we LOVE GOD and do as He wants us to. The BUTTERFLY is a symbol that reminds us of this transformation from our old life (caterpillar) through the journey of LENT (cocoon) to NEW LIFE (BUTTERFLY). This is promised to us, because of what JESUS did for us, with his CRUCIFIXION. Because of the ENORMOUS LOVE that JESUS had for all of us, we learn that we need to be like JESUS and be willing and ready, to SACRIFICE for the good of others. We will ALL be REWARDED, when the LOVE we have given, transforms us from our ‘caterpillar’ life into the beautiful NEW LIFE of a BUTTERFLY. HOPE, PEACE and most of all...the JOY of LOVE will be with us all in our NEW LIFE!

* Native girl dancers often have a BUTTERFLY as a decoration for their dance outfit. The girl dancers use their shawl as they dance, to re-create the flight of a BUTTERFLY.

Jesus, help us to love you so much...that we do for YOU and OTHERS... before we do for ourselves!

Symbolic Craft:
Students will make/decorate the BUTTERFLY.

****The WEEKLY LENTEN CRAFTS… are meant to be integrated into your Religion/Art/Native Studies/Language Arts activities****

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